February 19, 2011

Changing It Up

I love my house, I really really do. The interior is full of color and murals and suns and moons and stars and trees. 

There is my collections of rocks and crystals, native american art, peruvian weavings some not-native-american art, my books (oh the books!) and the knick-knacks collected over the years.

When I walk through the house it feels comfortable and homey but something is wrong. Well, not really wrong. off a bit, kind of stale.  Every Thing has been in its place for so long that maybe it gets missed in the Seeing. Does that make any sense?

So, my plan for next week is to bring everything down, off  the walls, off  the shelves, off the floor! 

Armed with dust clothes, nails and hammer, a storage box (or two) and a large Dutch Bros Kicker I am going to re-merchandise my whole house, 1970 square feet of refresh. 

Who knows, maybe I will discover something I have been looking for and maybe I will discover some stuff I can do without...and that is a good thing.


  1. Well, changes always bring new energies and perspectives. Go for it. I would like to hear your story after the change.

    Was wandering across blogosphere and found your place. Glad.

    Joy always,

  2. I love this place of yours. The quotes are all lovely. Feels so homey and cozy in here. Can I stay for a cuppa tea?

    Joy always,

  3. I'm so glad you dropped in. You are welcome to stay as long as you wish!

  4. Thanks, dear Observer of souls.

    I wish you could interpret the language of my soul for me :)

    Joy always,


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