January 23, 2014

Book Club

Four good friends and I have decided to join together two evenings a month and call it a Book Club!

Call me blessed but the group could not be more wonderful. We are a good mix of crones, diversified in our beliefs and lifestyles, yet honoring each others' choices and beliefs. It promises to be a dynamic blend of thoughts and ideas.

In our first "organizational" meeting, we decided that we would focus on non-fiction books including biographies, memoires, history, metaphysical subjects  and possibly historical fiction. All non-fiction books are fair game.

Prior to each meeting, we will email the others a list of 3 books as suggestions for our next read. Granting us the opportunity to review the books and maybe sample a page or two on Amazon.
This suggestion really excites me. Not only will I be able to discuss a book with intelligent women but I will also be presented with 12 new books every two weeks. Twelve books I may not have been aware of.  It's a whole new world opening up to me!

We made two rules, which, with this group really wasn't necessary, but we felt should be spoken out loud anyway.

1. When you walk in the door, Show Up! Be present, be yourself, bring all you are to the table!

2. The meeting place is a safe haven. All will be respected, free from condescension, judgement or intimidation.

I ordered my first book from Amazon.com and it is going to be here any moment. I am chomping at the bit here; highlighters, post-it notes and sharpened #2 pencils at the ready.

Color me excited!

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