July 13, 2017

Oh Marquessa!

Did you read Simply Marquessa this morning?

She asks the question:

“Are you a writer who blogs or a blogger who writes?”

Sadly, this summer, I am neither. I am a happy little ant, going this way and that, surrounded by grandchildren, great-grandchild, parents and heat.

Digital dust is settling on my book, my blog and my art. 

Do I feel bad or guilty?  Uh, no! I'm having too much fun.

Winter is long, kids will be in school, the pool will be covered. Blogs can wait, children don't; they grow up way too fast. Books can wait, aging parents don't; hard to know how many days we have left.

But, to really answer Marquessa's question; I am a writer that blogs, but the summer of 2017, this writer is taking a vacation and getting a little Vitamin D and lots of love.


  1. You're absolutely right! Enjoy family, fun and sun while you can because soon it will be winter again.

    I'm a blogger who writes. I don't have enough imagination to be a writer who blogs.

    1. Why is summer so short (asked the woman who lives in three digit temps throughout July and August)!

  2. Winters are indeed long and there's plenty of time to blog. Enjoy time with your loved ones!

    1. Having such a wonderful time. It's after 11 p.m. and the girls are still swimming!

  3. You definitely need to enjoy the time with the kids while you get the chance. I've nominated you for the Mystery Blogger award if you want to play along with that. There's no rush, of course! Details are at my blog.

    1. Kids grow by leaps and bounds. In just one month Brinley has grown enough to stand (tiptoe) on the thrid step of the pool! Crazy.

      Thank you for nomination.

  4. Sounds like an amazing summer. The blog will always be waiting. As for the question posed...I always say I am an amateur photographer who writes long captions. The gift of telling a story is not my strong suit.


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