September 18, 2018


Remember my friend Lyn. She had knee surgery sometime in the spring, or winter; time is all running together like one big hammer! She also flew her Harley off Buckhorn Summit several years back.

She lives in the mountains. She was supposed to evacuate but has three cats and two very large, very old dogs so she stayed put. She's also a die-hard, don't-screw-with-me gal from the Bronx and absolutely does not scare easy. My god, I just love her.

Her cell reception is uber questionable up in them thar hills, so we have been out of communication; worried, but assured that Lyn can and will take care.

Finally talked with her yesterday. She confirmed she was at her house; she and fur-babies doing well in spite of smoke thicker than pea soup (cough-cough-cough).

While walking the dogs she discovered a man sleeping in his truck. When she approached him, and I can imagine she walked up, rapped on the window and shouted, "What the hell, man?"

Turns out he is a firefighter. He was sleeping in his truck because the roads were closed due to fire. Hotels are full anyway, so it wouldn't have helped if he came to town. So he spends his 24 hour break in his pickup truck, then goes back to fight fire for 24 hours.

In true Lyn fashion, she said, "Oh hell no!"

He has been staying at her house. Sleeping in a real bed, eating solid organic, healthy meals, getting showers, fur-baby love and true appreciation.

See why I love her? Heroes take care of heroes!

Saw Mt. Shasta again last night. Fires still burning but containment is growing.


  1. Unsung heroes are all around us. You wrote about two of them here. Thank you.

    1. We hear so much negative news. It's nice knowing that really good stuff is happening all around us, and really good people are reaching out.!

  2. your friend is a courageous woman, just as the fire fighter is.

    1. She is and so is he. She would not agree with you, though. She would deny being courageous and say she was doing what was right.

  3. Hi Toni - what great news ... and I'm so pleased he's been able to sleep peacefully and in comfort - with a healthy belly full of good food. Great for Lyn - excellent post - cheers Hilary

    1. Nice knowing he can fight fire at his best. Lyn is pretty awesome.

  4. Thanks for passing this along. Send our thank you back.

    1. I will definitely send it back, maybe with a bottle of wine, some artisan bread and good cheese.

  5. She sounds amazing! The type of friend I like to have!


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