August 10, 2020

Lightning and other stuff!

 The Guy talked me into loading a lightning detector app. His cell provider reception is crappy. My cell phone provider is awesome (can you hear me now)! We were in the Marble Mountains on Friday, chasing lightning, got caught in a torrential rain and hail. The storm moved off  but we didn't know whether to head north or jump I-5 and go east. He batted his puppy-dog eyes and made a couple of epic promises; so I downloaded the app.

Every day since then my phone is going off with little synthesizer lightning strikes! Then The Guy tells me where it is and how many miles away; how quick we could make it there. Yet, here we sit!

Not that I'm antsy but I didn't get out of my pajamas to just sit around the house.

As it was, we didn't get any lightning photos because rain and hail aren't camera-friendly. We did get some great sunset photos. Well, to be honest, Frank got the great photos, I was reading a truly hard-to-put-down book. I did put the book down now and then to click off a couple of just-okay pics with my phone (so sad to have a killer camera in the backseat and be too lazy to reach back and grab it, but that's how good the book was!).

We were south of Yreka before the storm let up and, to be honest I took this from the car window. Couldn't get out of car...can you spell "lazy"?

Missed sunset on Mt. Shasta but the clouds gave the impression of a mini-eruption!

Our high temp today was 109! We spent the afternoon in the pool with our fur-babies. Rex and Lily got a great bath; both smell like tea tree this evening...nice!

I snapped a photo of Rex after his bath and sent it in to our local news. KRCR broadcast our beautiful boy on the 5:30 news!  Cool!

He is usually much fluffier but soaking wet he looks a little like a mop with eyes. I told him he was a local celeb but he seems completely unimpressed. Humble baby!

The Guy is sooooo romantic. He has invited me to go to Whiskeytown Lake to watch the sunset tonight! Don't anyone say "ahhh!"  "As long as we're there" he is going to practice videoing the meteor showers tonight so he knows what adjustments to make when he heads to Mt. Lassen tomorrow night!

Honestly, I don't mind being part of a practice date night! There will be at least an hour between sunset and meteors to make out under the stars!


  1. We have had our share of lightening this summer and although quite a spectacle to watch over a lake, they are frightening and dangerous over a forest. I have had my fill of wild weather and would like a week of peace and calm. It does not seem that is going to happen soon.

    Your husband does sound very romantic and what a lucky lady you are. Enjoy your nights out.

    1. Luckily yesterday's lightning was accompanied with about an inch of rain right over the mountains. Sadly from the extreme fires over the last two years, there's not much forest left to burn! One can drive for miles and miles and see nothing but dead trees from the Carr Fire and Delta Fire.

      Frank is pretty romantic. We saw about 10 shooting stars last night. He caught 6 on camera. I just laid back and enjoyed the stars!

  2. Beautiful photos and congrats to Rex for making it on the news. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you! Hard not to take beautiful pictures when nature is so gorgeous!

  3. Mt Shasta looks magnificient! Can't wait to see the meteor showers.

  4. Mt. Shasta is magnificent. Over 14,000 feet and it can be seen while driving north on I-5 for more than 100 miles!

    The showers were fun last night but are supposed to be spectacular tonight.


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