July 03, 2024

You Fought a Good fight

 Fare travels, Mike. You fought a good fight.

Standing beside MIke's bed in the VA hospital, I was filled with sadness and thankfulness. Thankful that I had known this man for so many years as a truly good friend. Our conversations through the years were sometimes mere laugh fests and sometimes extremely deep.

Since his passing I have reconnected with Mike's best friend and sidekick from high school. Sharing our memories of those days of carefree youth has been sweet. Reminds me of life surrounded by orchards, drives to Santa Cruz and picnics at Steven's Creek Park, basketball games in our respective gyms, and the night Mike rolled our friend Gavin's parents Mercedes.

I imagine Mike sipping brandy with Hemmingway in some tropical other-world filled with joy and contentment discussing all their favorite books and classic movies and the meaning of life.

"Friendship is not a jewel or a coin or a gift
Jewels and coins and gifts don’t die
Friendship is not a flower or blown glass;
Friendship is not fragile
Friendship is not a poem or a melody
Because friendship cannot be forgotten
Friendship is a symphony
With grand overtures
Melodic harmonies
and unforgettable phrases
punctuated by Attacking staccatos, Vibrant arpeggios then peaceful interludes
And sometimes rests Followed by thoughtful segues
All held together by a coherent structure
called Respect"
(Ellis Reyes Apr 2021)


  1. A wonderful tribute

  2. My condolences on the loss of your friend Mike. Sounds like you had a marvelous friendship for oh so many years.

  3. I am so very sorry that your friend is gone. Thank you for sharing some of your sweet memories of a long friendship. Sending you hugs Toni♥


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