August 23, 2024

Hey, It's Okay

 Amber at Airing My Laundry, One Post At A Time has been featuring a Hey, It's Okay post for quite awhile. She got the idea from an old Glamour magazine article. I think it was originally "Hey, It's Okay Tuesday" but in the world we live in lately, I believe "hey, it's okay" needs to be a daily thought, because we sure as hell have daily "hey, it's not okay" days coming out our, uh, ears. Yeah, ears will do.

So here goes:

Hey, It's Okay:

1.That my dishwasher flooded over and ruined the kitchen floor. I'm insured and I have no divisions throughout the house (except bedrooms and bathrooms) so I get new wood floors throughout! Shiny new wood from here to there!

2. That I have to live with no wood floors for who knows how long. I should be wearing socks anyway.

3. That physical therapy is almost's just okay!

4. That I don't need a new dishwasher, just a valve on the inside the dishwasher needs replacing.

5. That flash flood warnings have been issued for us, it's usually only an intersection or two that floods and the rain will help the fires and clear the air of smoke.

6. That my dogs are old because so am I!

7. That lots of McDonalds ice cream machines don't work most of the time. McD's ice cream is mostly wood (cellulose) anyway! 

Thank you, Amber, for once again reminding me that it's okay!


  1. "Hey, It's Okay" is a marvelous idea! Keeps things in perspective!

  2. Yes, marvelous, as our mutual friend Deb says. Great to meet through our fabulous friend Deb too. Thanks for dropping by Life by Chocolate, so that I could join your harem here. I'm excited to connect with someone fairly close. I'm in Chico and hope to visit Mt. Shasta fairly soon. Feel free to reach out at


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