September 19, 2024

Oh My Lord!

 In September I published an "It's Okay" post. There was a lot about how it was okay about the dishwasher flooding.

It has been over a month and we've gone from It's Okay to It's on the edge! 

Still no flooring in the kitchen. Some of the cabinets have been dismantled. There are plans to knock out wallboard up to 2' high in several spots. 

There are nearly 30 houseplants (my bestest friends) that need to be moved to other rooms for who-knows-how-long, though the contract states that it will all be done by January 2, 2025. Wha...?

The contractor did let us know that in the middle of the demo next week that hunting season will be opening. 

Now you might shrug your shoulders or roll your eyes at that last statement but this is Shasta County. Hunting is BIG and takes precendence over everything. Almost everything; Opening Bass season is a pretty big deal, too. 

Many, many moons ago, when I met The Guy, I owned a home with only one bathroom. I wanted to remodel bathroom to list the house for sale. The contractor turned the water off to house and removed the toilet while I was at work. He didn't return for three days, but he got his buck and was very proud!

Another contractor knocked out the front door and front closet to enlarge the living area. I wanted to replace the doubled hung windows in dining area with French doors. Before he could install the French doors he and his crew disappeared for 3 days and a weekend. We actually entered the house through the windows for five entire days. He, too, got his buck. We got bruises and eye rolls from neighbors!

A year, or so, ago, the Guy and I sorted out books. We donated aproximately a dozen boxes of books and tossed out three book shelves. Our left over books, the ones we couldn't bear to part with are now filling up more donation boxes. I'm sure before this is done, we will part with even more.

Our house looks like victim of a nuclear explosion but I guess that's the way of chaotic purging.

We took a huge load of "stuff" and books to Salvation Army this morning and filled the garbage can. If you walked into the house you would still wonder why we still have so much sh*t. Heck, we wonder why we have so much sh*t.

But, It's Okay. We are getting brand new floors and baseboards and the contractor will be painting most of the walls to get them to match baseboards, 

If there is a book-goddess, I pray she forgives me for giving my babies up for adoption.

1 comment:

  1. Contractors! They have people over a barrel and they know it! You are doing a good thing by donating your books so that other people can enjoy their stories and wisdom as much as you did.


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