April 13, 2016

Ta Da!

Light at the end of the tunnel approaching! Everyone off of the tracks?

To Do list is close to becoming a Ta Da list...and never once did my hands leave my wrists!

GodParenting Book: Rough Draft finished and off to 4 editors, two for psychological/sociological editing, two for doctrinal editing.

Illness: Antibiotics finished. Ultra Sound today to confirm kidney stones, not back pain from lifting 22 month old and sitting on ground playing with Lego blocks and puzzles.

Logo:  Company in Auburn submitted two choices and the clerics are liking them....phew!

Bills: paid, at least for the next 17 days!

GodParenting Proposals: prepared, checked twice, edited, done.

Mom's Broken Hearing Aid: Replaced

Mom's Missing Replacement Hearing Aid: whole other story, but resolved!

Meeting with Deanery:  Presentation Prepared..."please, God, keep me from spraining my tongue while talking to a room full of priests, (but, yes, I understand,  'thy will be done')!  

Meeting with Diocese: Prepared...mostly....still praying for grace and no drooling when making presentation. (but, again, 'thy will be done')!  p.s. I am willing to bargain for a little mercy! I'm willing to give up Hostess cupcakes and Dutch Bros coffee for a whole month...or two!

Shower, Pee, Eat...maybe tomorrow! All in due time!


  1. Sounds like you're in the home stretch now!

  2. Wow, sounds like it's been pretty hectic for you. You're almost there, almost there...


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