December 31, 2015

TED Posting

Ted and Ted-x and Ted-ed are regulars on my Facebook timeline. So much Ted-x and so little time!

This morning the title of one of the posts was

"If you could live another life,
who would you be and what would you be doing?"

Photo by Toni Tona
Interesting to think about. First, I wouldn't want to give up my life now BUT I think if I could split myself in two, the other me would love a solo life in the woods with little cabin with huge windows facing the south, an art studio with huge windows facing the north. There would be a nice size mountain lake that I can gaze on when I lay in bed in the morning and see from the porch as I read in the evenings.

Now and then the two Me's would get together and catch up or switch places. 

So, imagine that you put your 2015 You-head on the pillow tonight and wake up a new you. Who would you be and what would you be doing?



  1. perhaps a pastry chef, or a knitwear designer, or a (snarky) bookwriter. HNY 2016!

    1. Perhaps all three and anne marie in philly!

  2. wow seemed my words in your mouth dear,both sides of you will be the great adventures one will explore you for you and other will reveal the world again for you,best wishes for new year god bless

    1. Maybe we should take the words out of our mouths, give some light and have these adventures of our souls!

  3. Well actually I have had and am having a great deal of Fun in this one. So can I have it all over again please ?

    1. If 2015 is so much fun will you sign your checks 2016 or 2015B?

  4. I'd wake up as a successful freelance photographer living near the beach in a warmer climate. With mountains nearby. Because you have to have some of that, too.

    Happy New Year! Now that the holidays are over, I will start working on my post about the 11 questions you tagged me in. That'll be fun to put together!

    1. Martha, Totally agree with you. Gonna keep my camera on the seat next to me on drives, on the counter at home and equipment in the trunk of the car and take more photographs.

      Looking forward to your 11 answers.

  5. I would be dancing, playing an instrument, writing a novel. Sigh... I will be me when I wake up. There is no other me. I am learning to be a better me.

  6. I would be dancing, playing an instrument, writing a novel. Sigh... I will be me when I wake up. There is no other me. I am learning to be a better me.

    1. Make yourself your instrument and dance, dance, dance! I've got to be a better me, too. Gonna work on it this year (every other day!)

  7. Yep me too...slightly addicted to Ted Talks... quite the concept to ponder!! Fun post!! Happy New year!!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. My second me would also live in a beautiful wooden cabin in the woods with a backdrop of hills. The cabin could be tiny but I would need a big workshop for all my hobbies.

    1. You could tell people who are coming to visit for the first time that your cabin is the little place in the shadow of your workshop!


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