May 15, 2017

You Only Live Once


Have you hollered "YOLO" before stepping off one of your bucket list cliffs?

Northern California has it's own style.

We have a physical Yolo. It is off Interstate 5. If someone squeaked out Yolo, others would ask you if you're going to Yuba City or headed for Marysville?

There is no yelling "YOLO" in the north state, when trying to fly or dying our hair purple, we just tell concerned family members and friends,  "I am taking Exit 542!

Have you taken Exit 542 lately? 

If you worked up the nerve, what would you do right now, today, that you haven't done?

If you truly believe that You Only Live Once, and you're working it, what are you doing?

How's it working out for you?


  1. My humble hope is to fly to Salt Lake City to meet Andy N. Condor at the Tracy Aviary. When it comes to bucket lists, I keep mine modest.

    1. Salt Lake City is a lot closer to you than flying out to California and hanging out on a cliff to try to spot a condor!

  2. I've been thinking about making a bucket list. The only thing I know for sure that I'd like to put on it so far is to one day be able to attend a full Wagnerian Ring Cycle. I'd yell YOLO if I ever get to do that!

    1. Wow! Don't know if I could handle 5 hours of opera let alone 15! It's definitely a epic item for your bucket list.

  3. I don't really have a bucket list but I know that travel would fill in most of the top ten spots. All I need is to win the lottery and watch me go!

  4. May be we all have bucket lists deep inside us ,sometime we don't even realize it .
    one wish that control all my other wishes is to stay positive in all kind of circumstances and i just realized it now

    1. Wonderful goal. I always wish for grace during good and hard times. Sometimes I miss!

  5. I have one big wish on my bucket list that may or may not happen. Having it there, though, gives me hope. Expectations are often better than than reality.

    1. Yet, sometimes life blows our expectations out of the water! I hope you get your one big wish!


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