December 13, 2017

Rays of Sunshine!

Sometimes, we need someone, anyone, to tell us 'it's going to be okay'!

Yesterday, was a day. Not only did you, my blog-friends, reassure me but I also received a gift from my daughter who lives in Massachusetts. She knows the dynamics of the present implosion our family finds ourselves in, which makes her gift that much more meaningful.

I love my cup and am going to keep it at my side, at least the photos of it and the idea of it!

Thank you, my beautiful Nicoley!


  1. The perfect mug! She is a thoughtful daughter.

    1. She is the best! I miss her with all my heart.

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't it weird how that extra shot of courage can come from little things. A mug, the support of blog-friends, a knowing nod from a complete stranger.

  3. Oh, how thoughtful! What a great mug.

    1. She really is so thoughtful. Best daughter and she is the best mother, too!

  4. Hi Toni :) That is so sweet. I love that mug! It's very true that we never know where our shot of courage will come from. I was having a little crisis of my own lately and the only other person in my life, my boyfriend Alex, was sharing this crisis with me. I just decided to let it all out on my blog and the amount of solidarity and support I've been getting is blowing me away. And to the point where I'm actually seeing things in a different light and the stress is lifting. I feel for you. Keep that mug handy and anything else that reminds you of how strong a woman you are. Your life is challenging but you will be okay. :)

    1. Rain, Thank you for the boost. I know that I will come out okay at the other end of the tunnel, always have, but sometimes the stinkin' tunnel is so dark!
      Many times the light is the support from online friends and, of course, my husband Frank. He has been a rock.

      I was sorry to read about your crisis but happy that you found your way through and all the support you received. Good to know that most people, at the root, are loving, nurturing souls. (Don't listen to the news. They just tell you that people suck!)

  5. Love the have a great kid!


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